

Commission Info



this is a WIP I'm making a seperate carrd for all of them


The Dark Sun


  • Name: Familiar, Wisteria

  • Age: Mid to late 20s

  • Pronouns: She/Her

  • Heritage: Tengu Ganzi

  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Occupation: Wandering Hedonist

  • Likes: Luxury foods, sex, travel

  • Dislikes: Vegetables, being underground

  • Hobbies: Creating talismans, tempting impressionable men, designing clothes


Charming, to a manipulative degree.
Cares only about freedom, sex, and
luxury. Plays dumber than she is.



Familiar was a child born to a cult worshiping a Dark Sun, and her infant self was sacrificed to house its energy.

Vague of the Midsummer City Hunter's Guild was dispatched to investigate a strange creature lurking an abandoned lot, and found the infant still alive.

To avoid persecution, Vague and Familiar went in hiding, avoiding persecution from the cult leader, a fellow Hunter, and a cannibal prince.

However, an adventuring party helped the Hunter's Guild's leader dispose of the prince, and Familiar was able to be freed.

Familiar did a series of odd jobs before devoting herself to her ultimate pursuit: summoning the incubus Spumoni.

Reunited with Spumoni, the two travel around, spreading mayhem as they go.



Special Ability
Power of the Sun
Able to harness solar energy and replicate others' abilities



The Night Queen


  • Name: Midge, Mildread Grim

  • Age: Centuries Old (Fey)

  • Pronouns: She/Her

  • Heritage: Night Hag

  • Alignment: True Neutral

  • Occupation: Hired Adventurer, Scholar

  • Likes: Collecting books, peace and quiet, the desert, being prepared

  • Dislikes: Political marriage, religion, apples

  • Hobbies: Reading romance books, grooming her pet cu sith


Soft-spoken, awkward, but secretly
very dangerous. Strong-willed despite
her weak-seeming appearance.



Mildread was the youngest of four night hag sisters, her oldest sister Mordread usurping the throne of the Winter Court of Midwinter.

Mordread's power was immense, but Mildread was her only weakness- so the time wizard Harbinmeyer sought to steal her throne by marrying Mildread, and extracting Mordread's true name through torturing her.

Through a mysterious circumstance, Mildread was able to escape in time, and set herself to get strong enough to stop Harbinmeyer.

She met misfortune again: a foolish butler for a noble house led her and others to being cursed by a god.

Restored by the holy magics of a city, Mildread was brought into the adventuring group The Goldfellows. There, she fell into the service of a false god, Vanta Black, who she became fond of.

After a year's timeskip, Mildread was sainted in the desert country of Zalbara, and Vanta became a god. However, Mildread grew to resent Vanta taking advantage of her, so she separated herself from him.

Mildread's efforts turned towards investigating her enemy, Harbinmeyer- only to realize that the mysterious circumstance that saved her was a young man, Wickham Xhernobog, who bought her time. However, he was being possessed by their shared enemy, in a way only Mildread could identify.

Determined to save him and destroy Harbinmeyer, Mildread worked her hardest to gain the strength and cunning to achieve both while avoiding her sister's attempts to drag her back home.

Now that Harbinmeyer has been sealed, and Mildread helped discover a legendary treasure, Mildread has been able to live peacefully with her husband Wickham.

Mildread and Wickham eventually had 24 children, and her writings were fundamental for the social movement liberating hags from the unseelie title.



Special Ability
Scroll Trickery
Able to use any magic item of any level or spell tradition, with almost no failure rate


About Me


hello! I'm a 30-year-old artist from florida.
i love tabletop, character writing, and drawing art of me and my fiance's ocs kissing

(also, thanks to Blinkies Cafe and radiotrophic for the blinkies I used)